Abe Ridlen

Abe Ridlen

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About me

As your local Marion County agent, I use my background in the manufacturing industry and my passion for helping people to provide outstanding customer service and help my clients protect what matters most. I reside in Columbia City with my wife, Monique, and our son, Lachlan. Together we attend Trinity Reformed Church. Outside the office, I enjoy hunting, rugby and fitness. I graduated from Indiana University Kokomo with a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

Fun Facts

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Bachelor's Degree from Indiana University Kokomo
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Health/Fitness Enthusiast
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Hunting Enthusiast
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Sports Enthusiast

Indianapolis North

1488 E. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240-01912
Map marker icon Located off E 86th St in Nora Corners next to Subway

Office Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Office Phone