Cole Fesler

Cole Fesler

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About me

As your local agent, I enjoy creating long-lasting relationships with my clients and ensuring they have the coverage they need. I live in Greenwood and outside the office, I enjoy taking my two dogs on walks through Turkey Run, watching sports and hanging out with friends. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University with a concentration in selling and sales management and a minor in business management. It’s important for me to get to know you and your insurance needs, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

Fun Facts

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Bachelor's Degree from Purdue University
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Sports Enthusiast

Marion Northwest

8860 Zionsville Rd, Ste A
Indianapolis, IN 46268-81043
Map marker icon Located on the corner of 86th and Zionsville Rd off of FFA Dr at Traders Pointe

Office Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Office Phone