Luke Gulley

Luke Gulley

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About me

As your local Marion County Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance agent, Luke Gulley brings an extensive background in insurance from State Farm and Allstate. Luke is well-equipped to serve clients by ensuring they fully understand their coverage options and have the protection they need against the unexpected. A Plainfield resident, Luke balances his career with family life, enjoying outdoor activities with his fiancée, Kierra, and 1-year-old daughter Violet. He's an avid sports fan, particularly passionate about golf, the Indianapolis Colts and the Indiana Hoosiers. Luke earned a bachelor's degree in public financial management from Indiana University. His combination of professional experience, family values and local roots makes him a trustworthy agent and partner for the community.

Fun Facts

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Bachelor's Degree from Indiana University
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Outdoor Activities Enthusiast
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Sports Enthusiast

Marion Southwest

7405 Heathrow Way
Indianapolis, IN 46241-19503

Office Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Office Phone