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Roadside Assistance


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Family car trip preparation to go for a vacation
Ready for award-winning roadside coverage?


Your auto insurance policy can now include affordable Roadside Assistance coverage from one of North America's largest roadside assistance networks.

If you already have Roadside Assistance coverage on your Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance policy, simply call (855) 205-7085 for prompt personal service.

* Connected tracking experience where services available

Services are provided by and/or through Cross Country Motor Club, Inc., Medford, MA 02155, except in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Wisconsin and Wyoming where services are provided by and/or through Cross Country Motor Club of California, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA 91360.



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Bearded man enjoying an outdoor barbecue with a drink in hand, standing next to a grill on a sunny day, creating a relaxed backyard gathering vibe
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