Although burglars typically search for the easiest target—the house with open windows, unlocked doors and signs indicating no one is home—sometimes we inadvertently make our homes attractive to burglars in other ways. However, there are a few common sense steps that you can take to make your homes a lot less appealing to burglars.
To decrease the possibility of your home being burglarized, follow these tips from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department:
- Be sure your home has a good quality door lock
- Always lock your doors, including garage, shed and barn doors
- Close curtains or blinds on garage, basement and lower level windows
- Have good exterior lighting; a motion-sensitive light is recommended for backyards
- Trim trees and shrubs so that intruders can’t use them as a place to hide
- Store personal belongings, such as lawn mowers, snow blowers and bicycles, out of sight
- Never leave a note on your door stating you are not home (for example, “Ran to the store be back at 2 p.m.!”)
- Change locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen or when moving into a new home
- Invest in an alarm system for the peace of mind of additional home security
Following these simple tips and remaining aware of activities in your neighborhood can help you protect your home and belongings from would-be burglars.
Source: Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. Crime Prevention Tips. Retrieved from http://www.indy.gov/egov/city/dps/impd/documents/crimepreventiontips.pdf.
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