Everyone wants to save money. Insuring many vehicles will obviously cost you more than just insuring one, but despite that, there are ways to save money overall. Most consumers know about bundle discounts, such as insuring your home and your auto together, but you may not be familiar with other discounts.
Bundling your insurance can save you money at Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance. Insurance bundling is buying different insurance lines from the same insurance provider. Most insurance companies offer a discount to customers who do this, but what if the insurance you need, such as motorcycle insurance, isn’t able to be bundled? You’re in luck. There are still ways to save money!
Do you need motorcycle insurance?
But first, do you need motorcycle insurance? Yes! In Indiana, motorcycle insurance is a requirement, just as auto insurance is. You must have a policy that covers injuries and damage should you cause an accident. Indiana requires 25/50/25 liability which means $25,000 in bodily injury to, or the death of, one individual, $50,000 for bodily injury to, or the death of, two or more people in any one accident and $25,000 for property damages in any one accident ( Indiana Department of Insurance). You can get a free motorcycle insurance quote from Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance.
Should I use more than one insurance company to save money?
You can purchase each insurance policy you need from any carrier. But having your insurance spread out among different companies is not only overcomplicating things, but it could also cost you money.
Earn discounts for having multiple policies
Many consumers already know that you can get a multi-vehicle insurance discount if one carrier insures more than one of your vehicles. This Multi-Car Discount may help you save money. But there is also a Multi-Line Discount, which can provide savings if you have more than one line of insurance with a single carrier. If Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance insures both your auto and your home, you can save up to 18% on your auto and up to 20% on your home or farm policy premiums. If we insure both your auto and motorcycle, along with your home or farm, you can save up to 18% on your motorcycle premium. If we also insure your Personal or Farm Umbrella Liability Policy, you could save an additional 5% on your auto policy premium.
More benefits of using one insurance carrier
You will often save money if you use one carrier, but there are even more benefits.
Easier management
Having all your insurance policies with one company makes it easier to manage because it is so convenient. Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance also allows you to manage your account online, 24/7. Additionally, you can work with a single agent to help determine the best policies for your unique needs. Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance has agents in all 92 counties, right in your own community, to help you protect what matters. Reach out to an Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance agent today to get started.
Easier payments
Rather than keeping track of multiple payments to various companies, bundling your insurance or using the same carrier for all your policies allows you to make payments to the same company. It may also provide you with options on how to pay. For example, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance offers a Full Payment Discount that can save you 5% on eligible auto, home and farm coverages simply by paying your premium in full for the policy term. It also reduces your chance of forgetting to pay a bill and incurring a late fee.
Allowing Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance to insure your auto, motorcycle and home puts you a step closer to accessing eligible discounts, like the Multi-Line Discount, to save money. Having all your personal, life and commercial policies with one carrier also makes it convenient to manage, while also saving you time. To find out how you may save money on your policies today, reach out to an Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance agent now.

What is the minimum motorcycle insurance coverage in Indiana?
Indiana requires motorcycle insurance. The minimum coverage acceptable, according to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, is 25/50/25 liability:
- $25,000 in bodily injury to, or the death of, one individual
- $50,000 for bodily injury to, or the death of, two or more people in any one accident
- $25,000 for property damages in any one accident
How much does it cost to add motorcycle coverage to car insurance?
Many factors go into determining the cost of a motorcycle policy. These include factors such as location, the type of bike you ride, your age and the type of coverages you choose. Usually, motorcycle insurance is less expensive than car insurance.
What discounts are available for my motorcycle policy?
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance offers up to an 18% discount on your motorcycle premium if we insure both your auto and motorcycle, along with your home or farm with our Multi-Line Discount. You can also save money if you insure more than one car and qualify for the Multi-Car Discount. You can also choose to go green and receive the Paperless Discount or pay eligible policies in full and receive the Full Payment Discount.
Does motorcycle coverage raise car insurance rates?
Some insurance companies offer motorcycle coverage as an add-on to your auto insurance policy, which would, of course, increase your monthly premium. Many companies offer a separate motorcycle insurance policy that is tailored to your needs. Purchasing coverage for a motorcycle will have a premium of its own on top of your car insurance premium, but it will not affect your car insurance rates. Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, like all insurance companies, considers many different factors when determining rates. However, you may rest easy, just having a motorcycle license or an endorsement does not impact your insurance rates or premiums.
Have additional questions on motorcycle insurance? Check out the rest of our FAQs or, contact an Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance agent today and they can help get you on your way!
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