For many people, 2023 flew by! It feels like yesterday that we were planning our New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2023 and now it’s time to start thinking about 2024 and what that brings!
When life feels like it’s going 100 mph it can be a challenge to slow down and check up on your own physical, emotional and mental health. Throughout the years, mental health issues continue to become more prevalent due to stress from world events, the economy, social media expectations, health concerns and more.
As we wave goodbye 2023 and begin to welcome 2024, now is a great time to evaluate your mental health and check in to see how you’re truly feeling.
Mental health tips for the new year
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website offers valuable information, tips and research on many pressing topics in our society. They offer tips to help cope with stress, improve mental health and work on overall self-care. As you start thinking about your New Year’s resolution see if you can focus on your mental health. Recognizing that you need to take time out of your daily life for your own well-being is the first step in the right direction.
The new year stirs up many emotions. Here are tips from the CDC that may help with coping with stress during this and other parts of the year that may be stressful:
Let someone know if you need help – Asking for help is okay. Everyone experiences moments of stress throughout the year. It’s important to recognize that you are never alone if you feel stressed, anxious or scared. Going into the new year with a fresh outlook and knowing there are people out there who can help you can hopefully relieve some of that anxiety.
Focus on taking care of your emotional health – Emotional health is another area of health that you need to check up on. Emotional health is related to your whole self. Try to be present and start taking it day–by–day rather than month-by-month. Take breaks throughout your day: take a walk, read a book, take up a hobby or just meditate for 10 minutes to focus on your emotional health. If you find yourself having increased feelings of anxiousness or grief and are unable to carry out normal activities and responsibilities, seek a professional’s help.
Put your phone down and turn off your television – Many of us find ourselves using a screen more than ever. Whether that is within school, work, home life or entertainment, screens are everywhere! Challenge yourself by starting off 2024 by putting your phone down and turning off your TV. Staying informed about the world is important but having it in your face 24/7 may be causing you extra stress. Try to focus on decreasing your screen time and increasing the time you spend doing something you love.
Connect with your family, friends and community – It is so important to every aspect of your health to connect with family, friends and your community throughout the year. While it may be hard to find time on your busy schedule to connect in person with family, friends and your community, in 2024 try to make it a priority. You can even make it fun! Set up monthly dinner plans with family or friends and cook a new recipe or try a new restaurant. Food is the perfect reason to come together and catch up! In 2024, try prioritizing the community you live in. Maybe you wanted to volunteer last year but didn’t get around to it. Set a goal to volunteer at least once during January and see what happens! Many individuals and families need hope, food and love. Research organizations in your community that you can help and give back to during.
Take the time to care for your body – A huge component of mental health relates to physical health, as well. If you feel sluggish, over-relaxed or slow you may start seeing a decline in your mental health. Focusing on these self-care tips for mental health can bring energy back into your life that you may have been missing out on.
Start taking an hour out of your week to do a beginner's yoga class online.
Set-up an at-home gym—even if it is in your living room. A stationary bike, treadmill, weights or even a simple jump rope can help motivate you and exhaust that built up energy everyone gathers throughout the day.
Bundle up to take a walk outside and get some crisp, fresh air.
Research local exercise establishments to see if they offer New Year’s deals!
There are many ways in which you can build or maintain good mental health, but you must take the time to find the ideal way for you.
The CDC also offers advice on coping with stress on its website. So, begin your new year with a focus on these mental health tips, and you may start seeing positive effects in your daily life.
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