Saving on your auto and home insurance just got easier. At Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance you can bundle your auto and home insurance all with one company. Not only is this the convenient way to shop for auto and home insurance, but
you will qualify for our multi-line discount!
What is auto and home insurance bundling?
Bundling is when you buy multiple products from the same insurance company. You can save money by purchasing both your auto and homeowners insurance with our company. In addition to saving money,
bundling allows you to quote, purchase and manage your policies together.

Should I bundle my auto and home insurance
If you would like to purchase auto and home insurance with Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, you save if you bundle! So, the answer to the question is, “Yes, you should!” Having your insurance policies with one company
makes managing your policies a lot easier – and can help you save money! Feel free to ask questions about your coverage options; these are your insurance policies and we want to give you options that focus on you and your needs.
How do you bundle your auto and home insurance?
You can bundle your auto and homeowners policies online or with an insurance agent. We can help you determine the coverage you need and figure out ways you can save on your premiums with our various discounts—whether you are :
Other commonly asked questions about bundling
Insurance can be confusing, but we want to make it as straightforward as possible. With bundling it can be that simple. Simply bundle your auto and home insurance and receive a discount. Just like that! Still have questions? Here are frequently asked
questions that we receive about bundling. If you have a question that we didn’t answer here, feel free to contact us.
1. What type of insurance policies can I bundle?
The most common policies to bundle include personal auto, homeowners, renters and condominium policies. Whether you rent or own your home, an insurance agent can help save you time and money when you bundle your insurance policies.
2. Can I bundle auto and renters insurance?
Yes, whether you rent an apartment or own your home, you can save money on both your home and personal auto policies by bundling them. This gives you flexibility to own or rent and still receive a discount through
3. Do you really save money on home and auto insurance when you bundle?
You may be able to save from 5% up to 23% on your auto insurance policy and up to 20% on your homeowners policy if you bundle your home and auto insurance with us. In addition to saving money, you will also
save time when you have only one insurance agent to contact for your insurance needs.
4. What if I have many policies?
You or your family members may have auto insurance with one company and renters or homeowners insurance with another company; when this happens, your insurance agent can help you determine the best policies for your insurance
needs with a simple and affordable solution. Having your insurance policies with the same company saves you time and money. When you buy insurance from one company, you can have peace of mind that your coverage is all
in one place and can receive a discount for it!
At Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, we offer a multi-line discount which can save you 18% on your auto and 20% on your home or farm policy premiums. If we insure both your auto and motorcycle, along with your home
or farm, you can save 18% on your motorcycle premium. If we also insure your personal or farm umbrella liability policy, you could save up to 23% on your auto policy premium.
Find out more:
The best way to shop for auto and home insurance is by:
Start saving on your insurance policy today by bundling your policies!
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