Did you know that disorganization can lead to poor time management, frustration and stress? It can even cost you money. Use these tips from Lafayette-based SOS: Signature Organizing Service to reduce stress, put a little money back into your pocket and become more organized.
- Eliminate duplicate purchases – It is easy to double up on things when you can’t find them in the first place. But once they’re organized you never have to worry about not knowing what you have.
- Know what is in your pantry and make a grocery list – When you shop without a grocery list, you spend an average of 60 percent more money than you needed to. So take the time to make a grocery list to know exactly what you need.
- Eliminate late fees – If you misplace bills or don’t follow a bill paying routine, you may miss something. Paying bills on time lowers your stress and saves you money.
- Sell or donate stuff – Our houses are full of things we don’t use or no longer want. Have a garage sale, list it in an online marketplace or donate it to a charity, but move it out of your house.
- Maintain – Once your space is organized you’ll discover that you don’t want extra stuff around, your urge to shop will diminish and your stress levels will drop.
Earn and save some money right after your hectic Christmas season, and maybe check “organize” and “save money” off your New Year’s resolutions this January!
Source: Used with permission from Signature Organizing Service.