As Fall approaches and harvest season comes to its peak, the need to share the road with farm equipment becomes a necessity in many Indiana communities. What many drivers may not know is that there are many tips on how to drive safely when you do approach farm vehicles and machinery. Next time you are on the road, keep these tips from Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance in mind to ensure you, your family and Hoosier farmers stay safe.
How do I identify farm equipment?
Farm machinery can vary from combines, tractors, balers, farm trucks, plows, mowers to sprayers, backhoes and all other kinds of farm equipment. The size and speed of these machines vary as well, so it is important to be cautious when driving alongside one of these vehicles.
Most farm equipment speed’s do not exceed 30-40 mph, therefore when you do come across this machinery on the road the first thing you need to do as a driver is to slow down. Another way to spot a slow-moving farm vehicle is with an orange and red reflective triangle or flashers. These lights signify that there is a slow-moving vehicle on the road, and you need to be aware.
What do I need to know when passing farm equipment?
Although passing farm equipment is okay, it is imperative to understand when the right time is to pass a slow-moving vehicle.
When preparing to pass a farm vehicle on the road, be sure there are dotted lines on the road; however, those are not the only indicators you may the vehicle. You also need to:
Look to ensure there are no vehicles coming in the opposite direction.
Give yourself space between you and the vehicle ahead of you.
When passing oversized farm equipment, be sure you have ample room.
You may also stay patient and slowly remain behind the farm vehicle until your route takes you elsewhere.
What time of the year do I need to be aware of farm vehicles?
You may see farm equipment on the road in Indiana all year round. But the most likely times you will encounter farm vehicles on the road is during harvest in the fall or planting season in the spring Be aware of farmers driving these vehicles all year, but understand that you see more farm equipment on the roads during harvest and planting seasons.
If I am involved in an accident with a farm vehicle on the road, am I covered?
At Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, we understand that sometimes the unexpected does happen, and when it does, we are here for you. Before anything does happen make sure to find an agent and get an auto insurance quote to make sure you have insurance coverage in place if something does happen.
Already have an auto insurance policy with us? Contact your insurance agent and have them explain what your policy does and does not cover if you do happen to get into a collision.
You are not the only one on the road. In Indiana, we share the road with all kinds of other vehicles, and it is important to pay attention to the vehicles around you. No matter what time of the year it is, be aware of the road and help keep Indiana a safer place to drive.
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